SEBHealth, Transforming Maternal and Infant Health in Cameroon

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At SEBHealth, our mission is clear: to address the pressing challenges facing our communities with a focus on maternal and infant health, environmental sustainability, and health awareness promotion.

We recognize that the path to a healthier world begins with a commitment to holistic well-being, encompassing not only physical health but also the preservation of our planet and the empowerment of individuals and communities.

Our points of initial focus serve as our compass, guiding our efforts to combat the alarming rates of maternal and newborn mortality that plague our communities. In Cameroon, where the mortality rate of children is 69.8 deaths per 1,000 live births and the maternal mortality ratio is 28 deaths per 100,000 live births, the need for action is urgent.

We refuse to accept these statistics as inevitable. We are determined to rewrite the narrative, one life at a time, but we can’t do this alone. We need you all.

Will you help us continue spreading the word and inviting others to join us in making a difference? Together, we can impact more communities, save more mothers, reduce maternal and infant mortality rates, and promote better health systems.

Thank you all for being advocates and spreading the word. We really appreciate you